There was the moment when a street bound daughter asked me to text her Mom and tell her that she loves her very much and may have an injury that needs medical attention. Her plan was to go to the nearby hospital after she earns[1] $10.00 to buy and inject her medicine.
This blog is my public diary of experiences that I've had as I become increasingly involved in the area of Kensington, Pa. I am including experiences that I am having as I sit down, one on one, with homeless people who are dealing with Substance Use Disorder. All Names have been changed and, occasionally, I share a story using the opposite pronoun (he/she him/her), as an additional way to assure privacy.
Please Know...
As I come to know these fine people, they share with me more of their personal and sensitive stories. Their collective story is what I am trying to share with you as my way of breaking the stereotypical beliefs that exist. "Blog names" have occasionally been given to me by the person whose story I am telling. Names are never their actual names and wherever I can do so, I might use the opposite pronoun (his/her, etc.) just to help increase their privacy.
Throughout this blog you are now seeing advertising. I need to provide this so as to keep going financially with this ministry. If you see something that is inappropriate to this site, please let me know - maybe get a screen shot of it for me. I do get credit for any "click" that you might make on any of the ads. If you're bored some night and want to help me raise some needed cash, visit my site and click away to your heart's content....
- Administrative Discharge From a Medical Facility Led to My Loved One's Death
- Most Recent Blog
- 2000 Substance Use Disorder Patients 30 Minutes Away
- It is time to "Plow Down Medicaid Mountain!"
- Song Sheets
- Survey Questions
- The opposite of addiction is connection.
- Hippocratic Oath
- Ministry Funding Options
- TV Interview
- The Damage Done
- Amazon Wish List
- Hand Made Jewelry
- Items for Sale
Saturday, March 23, 2019
Today was payday. God’s Timing is Perfect.
There was the moment when a street bound daughter asked me to text her Mom and tell her that she loves her very much and may have an injury that needs medical attention. Her plan was to go to the nearby hospital after she earns[1] $10.00 to buy and inject her medicine.
Thursday, March 21, 2019
It's Way Past Time for Philadelphia Prison Release Reform
Monday, March 18, 2019
Personal Realizations In Kensington
Saturday, March 9, 2019
The Judge as De Facto Physician
Thursday, March 7, 2019
“Do you have any water?”

- been within fifty feet or so of drug dealer related shooting and in the midst of a community scrambling for safety,
- been given a purple planted orchid by a Saintly named woman out of her baby carriage filled with her worldly belongings,
- been adopted into fatherhood by a young lady whose life story is tragic beyond words to convey and
- been given a purple beaded bracelet as a sign of this daughterly adoption.
Tuesday, March 5, 2019
Sunday, March 3, 2019, was a day that changed my ministry efforts forever.
I'm probably going to do a re-write of the next couple of paragraphs but don't have the time to do so right now. I discovered a couple of days later that the person shot five times and killed on Emerald that day was killed several hours after I was there as he slept under the bridge. The five shots I heard apparently hit no one...