While I appreciate your ongoing prayers for my efforts in Kensington, I also need your financial support. There are several ways that you can send funds to me.
- Zelle is the most efficient way for you to send funds.
- This is a service that most banks offer through online banking.
- There are no fees for either of us, which means that I receive all of the money you send.
- Your contribution is automatically deposited almost instantly to a bank account I have set up for my efforts in Kensington.
- Your contribution will come to me with your name (as listed on your account) so I will know it is from you.
- Your account numbers are not listed on the transaction.
- To send funds to me through "Zelle," please use my email address: ccwbattin@gmail.com.
Cash App
- If you are a Cash App User, all you need to do is go to the app you're used to and enter my Cash App name: $ChristopherWBattin. (It's one word with no breaks.)
- I will be instantly notified by text of your contribution.
- I transfer the funds to my Kensington bank account for no fee, and those funds are available about two business days later.
- Here is a link to my Account, which is titled "Your Helpful Neighbor":
- paypal.me/YourHelpfulNeighbor
- I am charged a nominal fee associated with this process.
- Contributions through Venmo should be sent to @Christopher-Battin
- I will receive a notification that a donation has been made by you.
- I will manually initiate a transfer to my Kensington Ministry local bank account.
- This transfer takes one or two business days to complete.
- There is a nominal fee to me associated with this process.
Facebook Fund Raisers
- I occasionally post a Facebook fundraiser.
- These are fun, easy to use, and popular.
- Funds donated minus a service fee will be automatically deposited to my designated bank account about one week after you donate.
- I occasionally do a "GoFundMe" in a time of increased immediate financial need.
- Checks may be sent to me at P.O. Box 16, Drexel Hill, Pa. 19026.
- This is my new postal mail address.
- Checks should be made to Chris or Christopher Battin with the memo line referencing this ministry.
- Please let me know that a check is on its way so that I can be sure to look for it and inform you of its arrival or possible loss in the mail. Texting me at 610-368-2038 is probably the smoothest way to notify me of this.
Direct Purchase of Typical Items
- From time to time, people purchase and deliver to me cases of water and other items such as medical supplies, hand warmers, mylar blankets, and more. Please call me at 610-368-2038 to make arrangements.
Thank you for your prayers and financial support.
"Your Helpful Neighbor" is not set up as a 501 entity at this time due to the expense involved in that process. I do keep detailed financial records on Quicken.
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